
Enjoy this sense of taste worksheet for upper elementary and middle school students.

Sense of Taste Slideshow Preview


Sense of Taste Labeling – Gustatory System

This is a science mini-lesson on the gustatory system and how sense of taste works. This product is designed for kids age 4th grade through middle school. For a fourth grader, you may want to consider this as a class review activity. A 5th to 8th grader can watch the slideshow and fill out the worksheet independently.

You will find an eight page slideshow on how sense of taste works, then a worksheet to label the gustatory system. The first page is a labeling worksheet in color, the second is a black and white version, the third and fourth sheets are definitions of the parts of the gustatory system, and the fifth page the answer key.

The slide show is in two different formats – pdf and PowerPoint files. You can view the slideshow in the preview.

For more individual labeling worksheets, visit my listing on the layers of the skinparts of a neuronparts of a cellparts of a flowerlayers of the Earthparts of a volcano, the parts of a lightbulb, and many more!

If you prefer, you can view this product in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Hope you enjoy the sense of taste labeling worksheet! Follow us for more science worksheets. View some of our unit studies here if you are looking for more ideas of what to add to your child’s school schedule.
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