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Landforms Preview Sheets


2nd & 3rd Grade – 20 Landform Posters and Matching Cards

This set includes 20 Landform posters and matching set of 40 cards. The Posters are 8.5″ by 11″ in size. The cards come ready to cut out, 8 on each page. There are 20 cards with the pictures of the landforms, and 20 cards with the name and the definition of the landform. Use these posters for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students. I designed them with 2nd grade in mind.

I draw all of my own graphics, so you will have a unique set of posters. The posters are designed to go with the second grade NGSS Science Standards, and lead into a lesson on erosion and weathering. I hope to have this posted soon.

Display the posters and use the cards to play memory match once the cards are cut. For another method, the definition and name of the landform are directly across from the picture, so cut these into strips for students like a flash card. Also, the strip could be folded into a tiny booklet for them to make notes or drawings inside.

A portion of the packet can be viewed in the preview! If you prefer, you can view this product in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Hope you enjoy the landform posters and matching cards! View some of our unit studies here if you are looking for more ideas of what to add to your child’s school schedule.
Thank you for visiting my store!
****Please note that we have a no returns policy on our digital downloads. If you have any questions or concerns about this product or technical issues, please email me at emilie@beachsidehomeschool.com before leaving feedback. Happy to help with any technical issues or concerns with the product. Thanks!

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